You’ll need:
Stainless steel or cast-iron pot
Glass, clay or metal bowl (if kneeling or squatting)
Blanket/sheet (or both)
Long skirt or dress
Towel and/or washcloth
Sauna or chair to kneel or squat over
Pillows for knees (if kneeling)
Let’s get ready
to Steam.
Instructions for your
at-home Yoni Steam Session
Best Practices for Yoni Steaming
Go to the bathroom directly prior to steaming.
Track your menstrual cycle. Either use a calendar, journal or get an app like Clue, Flow, Kindara, etc. There are so many of them and they are FREE.
Increased vaginal discharge can be addressed by using cotton underwear liners and a peri-bottle throughout the day to clean the mucus off the skin. This is not a common side effect.
Botanical hydrosols are incredibly nourishing, balancing and healing to the Yoni. You can spritz down there after you steam.
Avoid tampon use. Instead use cotton pads, period panties or a menstrual cup. The period is a uterine cleanse and if you support it the clots and old blood can easily clear out. Plugging up with tampons, on the other hand, prevents the old residue from clearing out and that is often the cause of cramping (uterine contractions). It's also important to rest during the period and to eat the right (warming) foods.
Would you like more guidance?
If you live in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, consider booking a Yoni Steam Service for a relaxing experience, to learn more thoroughly about how to set up your at-home practice, or to discuss the right herb blend for you.