Is it awkward to yoni steam in a group?
Yoni Steaming has gained popularity as a novel group activity for celebrating bachelorette parties, birthdays, and wedding showers. But before booking one or participating, many women ask: is it going to be totally awkward to Yoni Steam in a group? Here are some of the commonly asked questions about group Yoni Steaming. Get your answers before you show up and decide if group Yoni Steaming is right for you!
Is anyone going to see my vagina?
The answer is NO! No one is going to see you naked from the waist down in a group Yoni Steam session, unless you want them to. When I do group Yoni Steams, I provide big skirts (I have them available in all shapes and sizes) - or you can wear your own skirt. You can change into your skirt and remove your underwear in a separate area (or you can just slip your underwear off in front of the group, still without having to be exposed), and then you’re all set to steam with your Yoni covered!
Will It feel totally awkward to be feeling steam on my Vagina while with my friends?
Everyone will be having their own sensations and experience, and can choose to talk as much or as little as they want. I have found that absolutely wonderful conversations emerge from this setting! Something about having this experience together breaks down boundaries and allows you to have more authentic conversations out of the gate. Yoni Steaming is incredibly relaxing, so as everyone relaxes and feels a bit more connected, the conversations tend to get better and better. It can be a beautiful bonding experience for mothers and daughters, sisters, and groups of friends.
Why Yoni Steam in a group setting?
Why not just do it alone - or go to a restaurant instead?
First of all - it is something different! There can be such an exciting and novel element to planning a group Yoni Steam versus a more typical gathering like brunch or happy hour. When you invite friends, they are often intrigued by the idea of trying something new to them.
But the best reason to choose a group Yoni Steam for a celebration or just for time together is this: it cuts through the small talk, the inauthentic niceties, and even the competition with one another that we sometimes feel. When women do this ancient, sacred practice together, it can create a profound feeling of connectedness. I have witnessed people sharing vulnerably with one another within minutes - and others responding with things like, “I had no idea you were going through that!” or “I have been feeling that same way too and I thought I was the only one.”
This is the kind of intimate connection we so desire with our friends and family, yet can be so hard to get, even when we spend a lot of time together. Yoni Steaming helps women cut to the chase and remember how alike we are.
Are yoni steam practitioners weird?
Well, I can’t speak on behalf of all of us, and “weird” is in the eye of the beholder, but I can tell you this: it is our aim to give you the experience you are looking for. If that experience is an irreverent and fun afternoon with mimosas and charcuterie, giggles and edgy jokes, accompanied by a Yoni Steam - I’m here for it. We will keep it light and enjoy this novel experience as part of a luxurious time together.
If you are looking for a festive kick-off to a bachelorette party, an addition to a health retreat, a time of precious connection with your pubescent daughter, or an easing of menopause symptoms with your friends - I’m here for it. Yoni Steaming can serve many purposes, and I am not here to push any kind of health or spiritual agenda onto you, unless you want me to!
If you are looking for deep spiritual connection to Mother Earth or the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Sisterhood - I’m here for that, too. We can tailor the experience to meet your needs and expectations.
What kinds of events do people celebrate with a group yoni steam?
Bridal showers, birthday parties, girls weekends, celebrating a daughter’s entry into womanhood, bachelorette parties (works great as a kick-off in the morning!), and anytime you are looking to break the ice or foster a deeper sense of connection with other women in your life.
Is there anyone who shouldn’t Yoni steam in a group?
For some people, Yoni Steaming individually will be better than a group setting. If you are an introvert or very shy, group Yoni Steaming may be outside your comfort zone, and you may enjoy an individual session more. You could also try doing an individual session first, and then decide if it is something you are comfortable doing with a group.
If you’ve had sexual trauma, I would recommend Yoni Steaming individually, at least the first time, with the aid of a trained practitioner who can help guide you through it. We can hold so much emotion in our womb space and we may have an emotional reaction and we may not want to do that in front of other people. The quiet, professional support of a Yoni Steam practitioner can be helpful.
Another consideration: if you have a lot of health issues that you don’t want to share with everyone or have an STI (which would mean you’ll need to do a shorter steam or use certain herbs) you may want to avoid the group setting. Or even if you are just prone to infections and might need some special accommodations from your practitioner that you’d rather keep private - an individual session might be preferable.
I have had some first-time steamers also worry about there being an odor. I have never had a group Yoni Steaming session where there was any notable odor, besides a slight herbal scent from the herbs used in the warm water. It’s very rare that Yoni Steaming creates any odor.
How will everyone feel after the group Yoni Steam?
Generally when people leave a group Yoni Steam they report feeling lighter, more relaxed, fresh, clear-minded, and nurtured. In my experience, people don’t leave feeling insecure. The experience is empowering, so they leave feeling more grounded and confident.
Ready to book a group Yoni Steam? Check out my steaming services here, or purchase products like Yoni Steam herbs or Yoni Steam Saunas for your own DIY group steam!