Yoni Steam Benefits - what you can gain from a regular practice

Yoni Steaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, though this practice has been used by women for centuries. While going for a group Yoni Steam with friends can be a fun bonding experience and doing an individual Yoni Steam at a spa or with a practitioner can be a relaxing form of self care - you may wonder: what are the benefits of Yoni Steaming regularly? What can this practice really do for me?

In my own practice and in my time as a Yoni Steam practitioner and creator of Yoni Steam herbs and products, I’ve seen clients experience benefits far beyond what they imagined! Here are some of the benefits you can anticipate from establishing a regular Yoni Steam practice, whether with a practitioner or at home.

Yoni Steam Benefit #1 - Regulating your cycle

Whether you’re experiencing menstrual cramps, heavy flow, unpredictable cycles, more than four days of menstrual flow, or bloating - it’s possible that Yoni Steaming can help! Often your uterus has not had an opportunity to fully cleanse during your menstrual cycle, especially if you have been frequently using tampons. Yoni Steaming allows the uterus a chance to fully clear out, setting the stage for a healthy cycle.

You can also use specialized herb blends to encourage a longer or shorter cycle! For those with longer cycles (28 days or more), I recommend a cleansing herb blend that includes rose petals, orange peel and motherwort. Those with shorter cycles should use a gentle herb blend with ingredients like citrus peel, and astragalus.

A more regulated cycle means you’ll hopefully have fewer of the uncomfortable symptoms associated with your period like bloating, back pain, headaches, etc.

Yoni Steam Benefit #2 - Relaxation and better sleep

The first time I did a Yoni Steam, my first thought was that I felt I could breathe deeper! With this deeper breath and a body that was relaxed from the outside in, I reached a deeper meditative state and sense of well-being. My mind finally quieted and the anxious thoughts that so often plagued my days were soothed. From then on, I used my Yoni Steam practice to habitually relax my body and mind, and began Yoni Steaming right before bed, bringing about a deep and rejuvenating sleep.

Yoni Steam Benefit #3 - Improved sex life

Most new steamers are excited to learn that the practice can help improve their sex life! Yoni Steaming can increase libido and help sex to be more enjoyable. Some women like to Yoni Steam prior to having sex so that they can encourage blood flow to the area to aid in arousal and increasing the likelihood of climaxing. Relaxing the body and helping to clear the mind are also effects of Yoni Steaming that can enhance the sexual experience. Others like to Yoni Steam after sex so that they can ensure the area is thoroughly cleared, which helps prevent infections.

Yoni Steam Benefit #4 - Healing

For centuries, women have been using the practice of Yoni Steaming to aid in healing. One of my favorite ways to help women heal is by providing postpartum Yoni Steaming services. After giving birth, the womb needs special attention and care to recover and heal - especially for those who had a traumatic birth. Yoni Steaming can help improve circulation throughout the womb and speed the healing process, along with providing comfort to areas that might still be irritated, tense, or wounded.

Yoni Steaming can also aid in physical and emotional healing from trauma. Women often feel disconnected from their wombs or vaginas as a result of trauma, and Yoni Steaming can be a gentle way to help restore that connection and give this special area of the body the sacred treatment it deserves.

And many more!

There are many more benefits to Yoni Steaming that my clients have reported, especially after they have purchased their own Yoni Steam seat and established a regular practice at home. These benefits include helping relieve:

- Discomfort during ovulation

- Cysts and/or fibroids

- Endometriosis

- Bladder infections

- Bladder leakage or incontinence

- Yeast infections

- Vaginal, bladder or rectal prolapse

- Constipation

- Hemorrhoids

- Scar tissue

- Adhesions

- Discomfort during sex

Yoni Steaming has also been reported to promote:

- Beautiful glowing skin

- More balanced moods

- Connection to your body

- Connection to feminine

If you are interested in booking a Yoni Steaming service, please check out my services! Or if you are ready to establish your own at-home practice, you can shop Sacred Steam products here.


Yoni Steam Seat: What is it and how do i choose?