Yoni Steam + wellness Blog
Get your Yoni Steaming questions answered and dive deeper into this ancient practice with the Pathways to The Sacred Blog.
What is Yoni Steaming?
Yoni Steaming isn’t just a fad. It’s an ancient tradition that has and will continue to support, empower and help women at every age and stage of life in a gentle way.
Tips for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle
It’s possible to have a healthy menstrual cycle. Free from pain and cramps. The symptoms associated with a monthly cycle are not normal although they have been normalized.
Yoni Steam Seat: What is it and how do i choose?
When you want to start steaming at home, you’ll need to purchase a Yoni Steam Seat or Yoni Steam Sauna. Here’s how to decide which one is best for you.
Yoni Steam Benefits - what you can gain from a regular practice
There are benefits beyond what you might expect when you begin Yoni Steaming regularly.